
Showing posts from January, 2018

Intentional Goal-Setting in 2018

Every new year brings new expectations, new hopes and desires. Many, when faced with a new year, believe it is time to make a list of things to accomplish. There is nothing wrong with coming up with a list of goals--the problem occurs when people make wild lists of goals because they feel they are expected to do so. If a person tends to set the same goal each year, there is obviously a problem with the mindset behind the goal. Is there a significant intention behind the goal? Are you wanting to make changes to your life because society is telling you to? Or are you convinced that in order to become a better person you need to make a few changes? There is a significant difference between goals which stem from true intention and desire to grow and goals which are the result of societal pressure. This year, I hope to continue to to grow in my trust of God. I am reading the diary of St. Faustina and her dedication and trust in God astounds me. She says to God, "I walk th...